This is just for personal reference, but it might also help anyone searching the Googles.
I recently bought the wrong ATMEGA (328 in stead of 328P). I had a hell of a time trying to burn the bootloader with Ladyada’s USBTinyISP.
Anyway; here’s a command-line snippet to burn a bootloader:
cd /Applications/
./avrdude -p m328p -C /Applications/ -c usbtiny -F -e -U flash:w:/Applications/
However, the bootloader that was burnt this way, didn’t respond to the Arduino IDE. The solution was following this approach:
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This did help, thanks – I was attempting to program a standalone 328p with an arduino nano (as ISP) via avrdude, and instead wrote an avr-c program over the nano’s flash memory. For the record, the nano uses the same bootloader as the uno.
Something missed in your answer. The command should be
./avrdude -p m328p -C /Applications/ -c usbtiny -F -e -U flash:w:/Applications/
There is a “:i” behind, but the answer is useful.
Thanks, I updated the post. Maybe something changed in avrdude 🙂